Ice cream epub reader
Ice cream epub reader

ice cream epub reader

But that has multiple problems on its own, not one being that the format is not really the most enjoyable to read books from. The only remaining possibility is to convert it into pdfs. But because I'm a technologically inept person, I didn't even realise the highlights didn't even save into the. I should've probably used something better, more secure, than. Of course, in hindsight, it seems stupid to put that much work into. mobi is that multiple of my languages are not supported by Kindle(can't copy-paste, highlights don't save properly, etc.), so big L for me again. I'm working on a personal project where I need to cross-reference a lot from multiple languages. This kind of adds to my frustration, because nobody seems to have the same problems that I do. I think that I'm more affected by this Edge-chromium "upgrade" than 99.9% of people that are using Edge. It's not slow software-wise, and it's my fault for not articulating myself better.

Ice cream epub reader